This spring Elftrinn made her last days in swedish waters. At least for the now... Why? Because late this May I sold her to a really nice guy, named Thomas, from Denmark. I realized I didn't have the time to spend on the boat needed every year. So instead of letting her slowly decay on dry land I sold her to someone with more spare time then I to put his love in to this boat.

These past years with Elftrinn has been great rewarding for me and I've learned a lot, both regarding restoration and sailing. I'm hoping Thomas is going to experience the same joy as I have done and I'm wishing him good luck in the future! I know he had a ruff time sailing Elftinn over to Denmark in one of this springs worst weather. With pouring rain and winds in between 10 to 20 m/sec.
So this is (probably) my last post on this blog but I'll keep the blog up (for an unknown future) for people to read and take part of my work on the boat. You may have noticed that this post is in poor written English? That's because it has come to my knowledge I have foreign readers.
So to all of you followers out there: Take care and good luck with your own projects!
1 kommentar:
Takk for en flott blogg og nydelige bilder - og takk for at du lar bloggen ligge ute. Jeg har selv en p-28 fra 1959 som nå skriker høyere etter oppmerksomhet enn ungene. Jeg er i gang med en ny rehabilitering av båten, og din blogg gir både faglig inspirasjon og moralsk støtte.
Vennlig hilsen Anders
Trondheim, Norge
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